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1. Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
abandoned, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, abnormal, abominable, abomination, abroad, abuse, accursed, adrift, afflict, afield, aggrieve, all abroad, all off, all wet, all wrong, amiss, arrant, askew, astray, at fault, atrocious, atrocity, awry, bad, badly, bane, base, batty, befoul, befoulment, beside the mark, bewitch, black, blamable, blameworthy, blasphemous, blight, breach, bum, censurable, commit an atrocity, condemn, corrupt, corruption, cracked, crappy, crazed, crazy, crime, crime against humanity, criminal, crucify, crying evil, curse, daft, damage, damnable, dark, deadly sin, debauched, debt, deceptive, defective, defectiveness, defile, defilement, delict, delinquency, delinquent, delusion, delusive, demented, deprave, depraved, deranged, dereliction, despoil, despoliation, destroy, destruction, detriment, deviancy, deviant, deviational, deviative, diablerie, disadvantage, disgrace, disgraceful, dissatisfactory, disserve, disservice, dissolute, distorted, distortion, distress, do a disservice, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong, do wrong by, do wrong to, doom, enormity, envenom, errancy, errant, erring, erroneous, erroneously, erroneousness, error, evil, evildoing, evilly, execrable, failure, fallacious, fallaciously, fallaciousness, fallacy, false, falsely, falseness, falsity, fault, faultful, faultfully, faultily, faultiness, faulty, felonious, felony, flagitious, flagrant, flaw, flawed, flawedness, foul, futile, genocide, get into trouble, great wrong, grievance, gross injustice, guilty act, hamartia, harass, hardly the thing, harm, havoc, heavy sin, heinous, heresy, heretical, heterodox, heterodoxy, hex, hurt, ignominious, ill, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-seasoned, ill-suited, ill-timed, ill-treat, illegal, illegality, illogical, illusion, illusory, immoral, impair, impolitic, imposition, improper, improperly, improperness, impropriety, in error, inaccurate, inadvisable, inappropriate, inapt, inauspicious, incongruous, inconvenient, incorrect, incorrectly, indecorous, indecorously, indiscretion, inept, inequitable, inequitableness, inequity, inexpedient, inexpiable sin, infamous, infamy, infect, infection, infelicitous, inferior, iniquitous, iniquitousness, iniquity, injure, injury, injustice, inopportune, intempestive, intrusive, invalid, irrelevant, jinx, knavery, knavish, lapse, late, low, lunatic, mal a propos, malapropos, malefaction, malefactory, malevolent, malfeasance, malfeasant, maltreat, malum, menace, minor wrong, misapplication, miscarriage of justice, mischief, misconstruction, misdeed, misdemeanor, misdoing, misfeasance, misguided, misinterpretation, misjudgment, mistaken, mistakenly, mistimed, mistreat, molest, monstrous, mortal sin, naughty, nefarious, nonfeasance, not done, not right, not the thing, not true, obliquity, off, off base, off the track, off-base, off-color, offend, offense, omission, oppress, out, out of line, out of phase, out of place, out of time, out-of-line, outrage, peccadillo, peccancy, peccant, persecute, perverse, perversion, perverted, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute, pollution, poor, prejudice, premature, punk, rank, raw deal, reprehensible, reprobacy, reprobate, rotten, sacrilegious, savage, scandal, scandalous, scathe, self-contradiction, self-contradictory, shame, shameful, shameless, sin, sin of commission, sin of omission, sinful, sinful act, sinfulness, sinister, slip, specious, straying, taint, terrible, the worst, threaten, too late, too soon, torment, tort, torture, toxin, transgression, trespass, trip, unbalanced, unbefitting, unblessed, under an error, undeserved, undesirable, undue, undueness, unequal, unequitable, uneven, unfactual, unfairness, unfavorable, unfavorably, unfit, unfitting, unforgivable, unfortunate, unhandy, unhappy, unhealthy, unholy, unjust, unjustness, unkind, unlawful, unlawfulness, unlucky, unmeet, unmeetness, unmerited, unorthodox, unorthodoxy, unpardonable, unpleasant, unprofitable, unpropitious, unproved, unready, unrighteous, unrightful, unripe, unsatisfactory, unseasonable, unseemly, unskillful, unsound, unspeakable, unsuitable, untimely, untoward, untrue, untrueness, untruly, untruth, untruthfulness, unutterable sin, unwise, unworthy, up, venial sin, venom, vexation, vicious, vile, villainous, villainy, violate, violation, wicked, wickedness, wide, woe, wound, wreak havoc on, wrongdoing, wrongful, wrongfully, wrongfulness, wrongly, wrongness
Dictionary Results for Wrong:
1. WordNet® 3.0 (2006)
    adv 1: in an inaccurate manner; "he decided to reveal the
           details only after other sources had reported them
           incorrectly"; "she guessed wrong" [syn: incorrectly,
           wrongly, wrong] [ant: aright, correctly, right]
    adj 1: not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth; "an
           incorrect calculation"; "the report in the paper is
           wrong"; "your information is wrong"; "the clock showed
           the wrong time"; "found themselves on the wrong road";
           "based on the wrong assumptions" [syn: incorrect,
           wrong] [ant: correct, right]
    2: contrary to conscience or morality or law; "it is wrong for
       the rich to take advantage of the poor"; "cheating is wrong";
       "it is wrong to lie" [ant: right]
    3: not appropriate for a purpose or occasion; "said all the
       wrong things" [syn: improper, wrong]
    4: not functioning properly; "something is amiss"; "has gone
       completely haywire"; "something is wrong with the engine"
       [syn: amiss(p), awry(p), haywire, wrong(p)]
    5: based on or acting or judging in error; "it is wrong to think
       that way" [ant: correct, right]
    6: not in accord with established usage or procedure; "the wrong
       medicine"; "the wrong way to shuck clams"; "it is incorrect
       for a policeman to accept gifts" [syn: wrong, incorrect]
    7: used of the side of cloth or clothing intended to face
       inward; "socks worn wrong side out"
    8: badly timed; "an ill-timed intervention"; "you think my
       intrusion unseasonable"; "an untimely remark"; "it was the
       wrong moment for a joke" [syn: ill-timed, unseasonable,
       untimely, wrong]
    9: characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not
       following established rules; "he submitted a faulty report";
       "an incorrect transcription"; the wrong side of the road"
       [syn: faulty, incorrect, wrong]
    n 1: that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law;
         "he feels that you are in the wrong" [syn: wrong,
         wrongfulness] [ant: right, rightfulness]
    2: any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal
       right [syn: wrong, legal injury, damage]
    v 1: treat unjustly; do wrong to [ant: compensate, correct,
         redress, right]

2. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Private \Pri"vate\ (?; 48), a. [L. privatus apart from the
   state, peculiar to an individual, private, properly p. p. of
   privare to bereave, deprive, originally, to separate, fr.
   privus single, private, perhaps originally, put forward
   (hence, alone, single) and akin to prae before. See Prior,
   a., and cf. Deprive, Privy, a.]
   1. Belonging to, or concerning, an individual person,
      company, or interest; peculiar to one's self; unconnected
      with others; personal; one's own; not public; not general;
      separate; as, a man's private opinion; private property; a
      private purse; private expenses or interests; a private
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Sequestered from company or observation; appropriated to
      an individual; secret; secluded; lonely; solitary; as, a
      private room or apartment; private prayer.
      [1913 Webster]

            Reason . . . then retires
            Into her private cell when nature rests. --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Not invested with, or engaged in, public office or
      employment; as, a private citizen; private life. --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

            A private person may arrest a felon.  --Blackstone.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. Not publicly known; not open; secret; as, a private
      negotiation; a private understanding.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. Having secret or private knowledge; privy. [Obs.]
      [1913 Webster]

   Private act or Private statute, a statute exclusively for
      the settlement of private and personal interests, of which
      courts do not take judicial notice; -- opposed to a
      general law, which operates on the whole community. In
      the United States Congress, similar private acts are
      referred to as private law and a general law as a
      public law.

   Private nuisance or wrong. See Nuisance.

   Private soldier. See Private, n., 5.

   Private way, a right of private passage over another man's
      ground; also, a road on private land, contrasted with
      public road, which is on a public right of way. --Kent.
      [1913 Webster +PJC]

3. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Wrong \Wrong\ (?; 115), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wronged; p. pr. &
   vb. n. Wronging.]
   [1913 Webster]
   1. To treat with injustice; to deprive of some right, or to
      withhold some act of justice from; to do undeserved harm
      to; to deal unjustly with; to injure.
      [1913 Webster]

            He that sinneth . . . wrongeth his own soul. --Prov.
                                                  viii. 36.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To impute evil to unjustly; as, if you suppose me capable
      of a base act, you wrong me.
      [1913 Webster]

            I rather choose
            To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you,
            Than I will wrong such honorable men. --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

4. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Wrong \Wrong\, adv.
   In a wrong manner; not rightly; amiss; morally ill;
   erroneously; wrongly.
   [1913 Webster]

         Ten censure wrong for one that writes amiss. --Pope.
   [1913 Webster]

5. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Wrong \Wrong\, obs.
   imp. of Wring. Wrung. --Chaucer.
   [1913 Webster]

6. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Wrong \Wrong\ (?; 115), a. [OE. wrong, wrang, a. & n., AS.
   wrang, n.; originally, awry, wrung, fr. wringan to wring;
   akin to D. wrang bitter, Dan. vrang wrong, Sw. vr[*a]ng,
   Icel. rangr awry, wrong. See Wring.]
   [1913 Webster]
   1. Twisted; wry; as, a wrong nose. [Obs.] --Wyclif (Lev. xxi.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Not according to the laws of good morals, whether divine
      or human; not suitable to the highest and best end; not
      morally right; deviating from rectitude or duty; not just
      or equitable; not true; not legal; as, a wrong practice;
      wrong ideas; wrong inclinations and desires.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Not fit or suitable to an end or object; not appropriate
      for an intended use; not according to rule; unsuitable;
      improper; incorrect; as, to hold a book with the wrong end
      uppermost; to take the wrong way.
      [1913 Webster]

            I have deceived you both; I have directed you to
            wrong places.                         --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. Not according to truth; not conforming to fact or intent;
      not right; mistaken; erroneous; as, a wrong statement.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. Designed to be worn or placed inward; as, the wrong side
      of a garment or of a piece of cloth.
      [1913 Webster]

   Syn: Injurious; unjust; faulty; detrimental; incorrect;
        erroneous; unfit; unsuitable.
        [1913 Webster]

7. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Wrong \Wrong\, n. [AS. wrang. See Wrong, a.]
   That which is not right. Specifically:
   (a) Nonconformity or disobedience to lawful authority, divine
       or human; deviation from duty; -- the opposite of moral
       [1913 Webster]

             When I had wrong and she the right.  --Chaucer.
       [1913 Webster]

             One spake much of right and wrong.   --Milton.
       [1913 Webster]
   (b) Deviation or departure from truth or fact; state of
       falsity; error; as, to be in the wrong.
   (c) Whatever deviates from moral rectitude; usually, an act
       that involves evil consequences, as one which inflicts
       injury on a person; any injury done to, or received from;
       another; a trespass; a violation of right.
       [1913 Webster]

             Friend, I do thee no wrong.          --Matt. xx.
       [1913 Webster]

             As the king of England can do no wrong, so neither
             can he do right but in his courts and by his
             courts.                              --Milton.
       [1913 Webster]

             The obligation to redress a wrong is at least as
             binding as that of paying a debt.    --E. Evereth.
       [1913 Webster]

   Note: Wrongs, legally, are private or public. Private wrongs
         are civil injuries, immediately affecting individuals;
         public wrongs are crimes and misdemeanors which affect
         the community. --Blackstone.
         [1913 Webster]
         [1913 Webster]

8. Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
WRONG. An injury; (q.v.) a tort (q.v.) a violation of right. In its most 
usual sense, wrong signifies an injury committed to the person or property 
of another, or to his relative rights, unconnected with contract; and these 
wrongs are committed with or without force. But in a more extended 
signification, wrong includes the violation of a contract; a failure by a 
man to perform his undertaking or promise is a wrong or injury to him to 
whom it was made. 3 Bl. Com. 158. 
     2. Wrongs are divided into public and private. 1. A public wrong is an 
act which is injurious to the public generally, commonly known by the name 
of crime, misdemeanor, or offence, and it is punishable in various ways, 
such as indictments, summary proceedings, and upon conviction by death, 
imprisonment, fine, &c. 2. Private wrongs, which are injuries to 
individuals, unaffecting the public: these are redressed by actions for 
damages, &c. 

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