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Dictionary Results for Putting:
1. WordNet® 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: hitting a golf ball that is on the green using a putter;
         "his putting let him down today; he didn't sink a single
         putt over three feet" [syn: putt, putting]

2. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Putting \Put"ting\, n.
   The throwing of a heavy stone, shot, etc., with the hand
   raised or extended from the shoulder; -- originally, a
   Scottish game.
   [1913 Webster]

   Putting stone, a heavy stone used in the game of putting.
      [1913 Webster]

3. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Put \Put\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Put; p. pr. & vb. n.
   Putting.] [AS. potian to thrust: cf. Dan. putte to put, to
   put into, Fries. putje; perh. akin to W. pwtio to butt, poke,
   thrust; cf. also Gael. put to push, thrust, and E. potter, v.
   1. To move in any direction; to impel; to thrust; to push; --
      nearly obsolete, except with adverbs, as with by (to put
      by = to thrust aside; to divert); or with forth (to put
      forth = to thrust out).
      [1913 Webster]

            His chief designs are . . . to put thee by from thy
            spiritual employment.                 --Jer. Taylor.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To bring to a position or place; to place; to lay; to set;
      figuratively, to cause to be or exist in a specified
      relation, condition, or the like; to bring to a stated
      mental or moral condition; as, to put one in fear; to put
      a theory in practice; to put an enemy to fight.
      [1913 Webster]

            This present dignity,
            In which that I have put you.         --Chaucer.
      [1913 Webster]

            I will put enmity between thee and the woman. --Gen.
                                                  iii. 15.
      [1913 Webster]

            He put no trust in his servants.      --Job iv. 18.
      [1913 Webster]

            When God into the hands of their deliverer
            Puts invincible might.                --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

            In the mean time other measures were put in
            operation.                            --Sparks.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. To attach or attribute; to assign; as, to put a wrong
      construction on an act or expression.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. To lay down; to give up; to surrender. [Obs.]
      [1913 Webster]

            No man hath more love than this, that a man put his
            life for his friends.                 --Wyclif (John
                                                  xv. 13).
      [1913 Webster]

   5. To set before one for judgment, acceptance, or rejection;
      to bring to the attention; to offer; to state; to express;
      figuratively, to assume; to suppose; -- formerly sometimes
      followed by that introducing a proposition; as, to put a
      question; to put a case.
      [1913 Webster]

            Let us now put that ye have leave.    --Chaucer.
      [1913 Webster]

            Put the perception and you put the mind. --Berkeley.
      [1913 Webster]

            These verses, originally Greek, were put in Latin.
      [1913 Webster]

            All this is ingeniously and ably put. --Hare.
      [1913 Webster]

   6. To incite; to entice; to urge; to constrain; to oblige.
      [1913 Webster]

            These wretches put us upon all mischief. --Swift.
      [1913 Webster]

            Put me not use the carnal weapon in my own defense.
                                                  --Sir W.
      [1913 Webster]

            Thank him who puts me, loath, to this revenge.
      [1913 Webster]

   7. To throw or cast with a pushing motion "overhand," the
      hand being raised from the shoulder; a practice in
      athletics; as, to put the shot or weight.
      [1913 Webster]

   8. (Mining) To convey coal in the mine, as from the working
      to the tramway. --Raymond.
      [1913 Webster]

   Put case, formerly, an elliptical expression for, put or
      suppose the case to be.
      [1913 Webster]

            Put case that the soul after departure from the body
            may live.                             --Bp. Hall.
      [1913 Webster]

   To put about (Naut.), to turn, or change the course of, as
      a ship.

   To put away.
      (a) To renounce; to discard; to expel.
      (b) To divorce.

   To put back.
      (a) To push or thrust backwards; hence, to hinder; to
      (b) To refuse; to deny.
          [1913 Webster]

                Coming from thee, I could not put him back.
          [1913 Webster]
      (c) To set, as the hands of a clock, to an earlier hour.
      (d) To restore to the original place; to replace.

   To put by.
      (a) To turn, set, or thrust, aside. "Smiling put the
          question by." --Tennyson.
      (b) To lay aside; to keep; to sore up; as, to put by

   To put down.
      (a) To lay down; to deposit; to set down.
      (b) To lower; to diminish; as, to put down prices.
      (c) To deprive of position or power; to put a stop to; to
          suppress; to abolish; to confute; as, to put down
          rebellion or traitors.
          [1913 Webster]

                Mark, how a plain tale shall put you down.
          [1913 Webster]

                Sugar hath put down the use of honey. --Bacon.
          [1913 Webster]
      (d) To subscribe; as, to put down one's name.

   To put forth.
      (a) To thrust out; to extend, as the hand; to cause to
          come or push out; as, a tree puts forth leaves.
      (b) To make manifest; to develop; also, to bring into
          action; to exert; as, to put forth strength.
      (c) To propose, as a question, a riddle, and the like.
      (d) To publish, as a book.

   To put forward.
      (a) To advance to a position of prominence or
          responsibility; to promote.
      (b) To cause to make progress; to aid.
      (c) To set, as the hands of a clock, to a later hour.

   To put in.
      (a) To introduce among others; to insert; sometimes, to
          introduce with difficulty; as, to put in a word while
          others are discoursing.
      (b) (Naut.) To conduct into a harbor, as a ship.
      (c) (Law) To place in due form before a court; to place
          among the records of a court. --Burrill.
      (d) (Med.) To restore, as a dislocated part, to its place.

   To put off.
      (a) To lay aside; to discard; as, to put off a robe; to
          put off mortality. "Put off thy shoes from off thy
          feet." --Ex. iii. 5.
      (b) To turn aside; to elude; to disappoint; to frustrate;
          to baffle.
          [1913 Webster]

                I hoped for a demonstration, but Themistius
                hoped to put me off with an harangue. --Boyle.
          [1913 Webster]

                We might put him off with this answer.
          [1913 Webster]
      (c) To delay; to defer; to postpone; as, to put off
      (d) To get rid of; to dispose of; especially, to pass
          fraudulently; as, to put off a counterfeit note, or an
          ingenious theory.
      (e) To push from land; as, to put off a boat.

   To put on or To put upon.
      (a) To invest one's self with, as clothes; to assume.
          "Mercury . . . put on the shape of a man."
      (b) To impute (something) to; to charge upon; as, to put
          blame on or upon another.
      (c) To advance; to promote. [Obs.] "This came handsomely
          to put on the peace." --Bacon.
      (d) To impose; to inflict. "That which thou puttest on me,
          will I bear." --2 Kings xviii. 14.
      (e) To apply; as, to put on workmen; to put on steam.
      (f) To deceive; to trick. "The stork found he was put
          upon." --L'Estrange.
      (g) To place upon, as a means or condition; as, he put him
          upon bread and water. "This caution will put them upon
          considering." --Locke.
      (h) (Law) To rest upon; to submit to; as, a defendant puts
          himself on or upon the country. --Burrill.

   To put out.
      (a) To eject; as, to put out and intruder.
      (b) To put forth; to shoot, as a bud, or sprout.
      (c) To extinguish; as, to put out a candle, light, or
      (d) To place at interest; to loan; as, to put out funds.
      (e) To provoke, as by insult; to displease; to vex; as, he
          was put out by my reply. [Colloq.]
      (f) To protrude; to stretch forth; as, to put out the
      (g) To publish; to make public; as, to put out a pamphlet.
      (h) To confuse; to disconcert; to interrupt; as, to put
          one out in reading or speaking.
      (i) (Law) To open; as, to put out lights, that is, to open
          or cut windows. --Burrill.
      (j) (Med.) To place out of joint; to dislocate; as, to put
          out the ankle.
      (k) To cause to cease playing, or to prevent from playing
          longer in a certain inning, as in base ball.
      (l) to engage in sexual intercourse; -- used of women; as,
          she's got a great bod, but she doesn't put out.
          [Vulgar slang]

   To put over.
      (a) To place (some one) in authority over; as, to put a
          general over a division of an army.
      (b) To refer.
          [1913 Webster]

                For the certain knowledge of that truth
                I put you o'er to heaven and to my mother.
          [1913 Webster]
      (c) To defer; to postpone; as, the court put over the
          cause to the next term.
      (d) To transfer (a person or thing) across; as, to put one
          over the river.

   To put the hand to or To put the hand unto.
      (a) To take hold of, as of an instrument of labor; as, to
          put the hand to the plow; hence, to engage in (any
          task or affair); as, to put one's hand to the work.
      (b) To take or seize, as in theft. "He hath not put his
          hand unto his neighbor's goods." --Ex. xxii. 11.

   To put through, to cause to go through all conditions or
      stages of a progress; hence, to push to completion; to
      accomplish; as, he put through a measure of legislation;
      he put through a railroad enterprise. [U.S.]

   To put to.
      (a) To add; to unite; as, to put one sum to another.
      (b) To refer to; to expose; as, to put the safety of the
          state to hazard. "That dares not put it to the touch."
      (c) To attach (something) to; to harness beasts to.

   To put to a stand, to stop; to arrest by obstacles or

   To put to bed.
      (a) To undress and place in bed, as a child.
      (b) To deliver in, or to make ready for, childbirth.

   To put to death, to kill.

   To put together, to attach; to aggregate; to unite in one.

   To put this and that (or two and two) together, to draw
      an inference; to form a correct conclusion.

   To put to it, to distress; to press hard; to perplex; to
      give difficulty to. "O gentle lady, do not put me to 't."

   To put to rights, to arrange in proper order; to settle or
      compose rightly.

   To put to the sword, to kill with the sword; to slay.

   To put to trial, or on trial, to bring to a test; to try.

   To put trust in, to confide in; to repose confidence in.

   To put up.
      (a) To pass unavenged; to overlook; not to punish or
          resent; to put up with; as, to put up indignities.
          [Obs.] "Such national injuries are not to be put up."
      (b) To send forth or upward; as, to put up goods for sale.
      (d) To start from a cover, as game. "She has been
          frightened; she has been put up." --C. Kingsley.
      (e) To hoard. "Himself never put up any of the rent."
      (f) To lay side or preserve; to pack away; to store; to
          pickle; as, to put up pork, beef, or fish.
      (g) To place out of sight, or away; to put in its proper
          place; as, put up that letter. --Shak.
      (h) To incite; to instigate; -- followed by to; as, he put
          the lad up to mischief.
      (i) To raise; to erect; to build; as, to put up a tent, or
          a house.
      (j) To lodge; to entertain; as, to put up travelers.

   To put up a job, to arrange a plot. [Slang]
      [1913 Webster]

   Syn: To place; set; lay; cause; produce; propose; state.

   Usage: Put, Lay, Place, Set. These words agree in the
          idea of fixing the position of some object, and are
          often used interchangeably. To put is the least
          definite, denoting merely to move to a place. To place
          has more particular reference to the precise location,
          as to put with care in a certain or proper place. To
          set or to lay may be used when there is special
          reference to the position of the object.
          [1913 Webster]

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