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No results could be found matching the exact term Universal Time 1.
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umber  umbery  umbra  umbraculiferous  umbraculiform  umbrae  umbrage  umbrageous  umbrageously  umbrageousness  umbrate  umbratic  umbratical  umbratile  umbratious  umbre  umbrel  umbrella  umbrere  umbrette  umbriere  umbriferous  umbriferously  umbril  umbrina  umbrine  umbrose  umbrosity  umpirage  umpire  umpired  umpireship  umpiring  umpress  unabridged  unaffeared  unaffrighted  unafraid  unapparel  unappareled  unapparent  unappreciable  unappreciated  unappreciating  unapprehended  unapprehensible  unapprehensive  unapprised  unapproachable  unapproached  unappropriate  unappropriated  unapproved  unapproving  unbar  unbarbed  unbarbered  unbark  unbarrel  unbarricade  unbarricadoed  unbear  unbearable  unbearded  unbearing  unbereaven  unbereft  unbeware  unborn  unborrowed  unbrace  unbraid  unbraided  unbranching  unbranded  unbreast  unbreathed  unbreathing  unbred  unbreech  unbreeched  unbreeching  unbrewed  unbribable  unbribed  unbridged  unbridle  unbridled  unbridledness  unbroached  unbroke  unbroken  unbrotherly  unbruised  unburden  unburdensome  unburiable  unburied  unburned  unburning  unburnished  unburrow  unburthen  unbury  unfair  unfairly  unfairness  unfarrowed  unfeared  unfearful  unfearing  unfermentable  unfermented  unfertile  unfertileness  unfired  unfirm  unfirmness  unforbearing  unforbidden  unforced  unforcible  unfordable  unforded  unforeboding  unforeknowable  unforeknown  unforesee  unforeseeable  unforeseeing  unforeseen  unforeskinned  unforethought  unforetold  unforewarned  unforfeited  unforgetful  unforgettable  unforgivable  unforgiven  unforgiving  unforgotten  unform  unformal  unformalized  unformed  unforsaken  unfortified  unfortunate  unfortunately  unfortunateness  unfractured  unframable  unframe  unframed  unfranchised  unfrangible  unfrankable  unfraternal  unfraught  unfree  unfreeze  unfrequency  unfrequent  unfrequented  unfrequently  unfret  unfriable  unfriend  unfriended  unfriendliness  unfriendly  unfriendship  unfrighted  unfrightful  unfrock  unfrozen  unfructed  unfruitful  unfruitfully  unfruitfulness  unfrustrable  unfurl  unfurnish  unfurnished  unfurrowed  unibranchiate  unifier  uniform  uniformal  uniformed  uniformism  uniformitarian  uniformitarianism  uniformity  uniformly  unifromness  unipara  uniparous  unipersonal  unipersonalist  univariant  universal  universalian  universalism  universalist  universalistic  universality  universalize  universalized  universalizing  universally  universalness  universalties  universe  universities  university  universological  universologist  universology  unoffered  unoperative  unoperculated  unoppressive  unovertaken  unpaired  unparadise  unparagoned  unparallelable  unparalleled  unparched  unpardonable  unpardoned  unpardoning  unparented  unparliamentariness  unparliamentary  unparroted  unpartable  unparted  unpartial  unpartially  unparticipant  unparticipated  unpeerable  unpeered  unperceivable  unperceived  unperceiving  unperceptible  unpercussed  unperegal  unperfect  unperfected  unperfection  unperfectly  unperfectness  unperformed  unperforming  unperilous  unperishable  unperishably  unperished  unperishing  unperjured  unpermanent  unperplex  unperplexed  unpersecuted  unpersonable  unperspirable  unpersuadable  unpersuaded  unpersuasion  unpersuasive  unperturbed  unperused  unpervert  unperverted  unpierceable  unpierced  unportable  unportioned  unportunate  unportuous  unpower  unpowerful  unpracticable  unpractical  unpracticed  unpraise  unpraised  unpray  unprayable  unprayed  unpreach  unpreaching  unprecarious  unprecedented  unprecedentedly  unprecise  unpredict  unpreferred  unpregnant  unprejudicate  unprejudiced  unprejudicedness  unprelated  unprelatical  unpremeditable  unpremeditated  unprepared  unprepossessed  unprepossessing  unprescribed  unpresentable  unpresented  unpreservable  unpressed  unpresuming  unpresumptuous  unpretending  unpretentious  unpretty  unprevailing  unprevalent  unprevaricating  unprevented  unpriced  unpriest  unpriestly  unprimitive  unprince  unprincely  unprinciple  unprincipled  unprincipledness  unprison  unprivileged  unprizable  unprized  unprobably  unprobed  unproclaimed  unprocurable  unprocured  unproducible  unproductive  unprofaned  unprofessed  unprofessional  unproficiency  unprofit  unprofitable  unprofited  unprofiting  unprohibited  unprojected  unprolific  unpromise  unpromised  unpromising  unpronounceable  unpronounced  unprop  unproper  unproperly  unprophetic  unpropitious  unproportionable  unproportionate  unproportioned  unproposed  unpropped  unproselyte  unprosperous  unprotected  unprotestantize  unprovable  unproved  unprovide  unprovided  unprovident  unproving  unprovoked  unprudence  unprudent  unprudential  unpruned  unpure  unpurely  unpureness  unpurged  unpurified  unpurposed  unpursed  unpursued  unpurveyed  unvariable  unvariant  unvaried  unvariegated  unvarnished  unvarying  unveracious  unveracity  unverdant  unverified  unveritable  unversed  unvirtuous  unwappered  unwavering  umbrella-shaped  umbrellalike  umbrellawort  umbria  umbrian  unappreciative  unappreciatively  unapproachability  unbarred  unbarreled  unbarrelled  unbearably  unbordered  unbraced  unbrainwashed  unbranched  unbreakable  unbreakableness  unbridgeable  unbrushed  unburdened  unfertilised  unfertilized  unforceful  unforesightful  unforested  unforethoughtful  unforfeitable  unforgettably  unforgivably  unforgivingly  unformatted  unfretted  unfrightened  unfrosted  uniformise  uniformize  uniformness  universalise  unparallel  unpardonably  unpartitioned  unperceptive  unperceptiveness  unpermed  unpermissive  unpermissiveness  unperson  unpersuasiveness  unpowered  unpractised  unpredictability  unpredictable  unpredictably  unpredicted  unpredictive  unpresidential  unpretentiously  unpretentiousness  unpreventable  unprintable  unproblematic  unprocessed  unproductively  unproductiveness  unprofitability  unprofitableness  unprofitably  unprogressive  unprompted  unpropitiously  unpropitiousness  unprotectedness  unprotective  unproven  unprovocative  unprovoking  unvariedness  unverbalised  unverbalized  unverifiable  unwaveringly  unipartite  unparticular  unpraiseworthy  unpreparedness  unpressured  unproficient  unprofound  unprovidential  unipress  uniprocessor  unproto  unio  universit  universal,  university, 

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Dictionary Results for Universal:
1. WordNet® 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of
           cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and
           ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley;
           "universal experience" [syn: cosmopolitan,
           ecumenical, oecumenical, general, universal,
           worldwide, world-wide]
    2: applicable to or common to all members of a group or set;
       "the play opened to universal acclaim"; "rap enjoys universal
       appeal among teenage boys"
    3: adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations;
       "universal wrench", "universal chuck"; "universal
    n 1: (linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic
         feature) that is found in all languages [syn: universal,
         linguistic universal]
    2: (logic) a proposition that asserts something of all members
       of a class [syn: universal, universal proposition] [ant:
       particular, particular proposition]
    3: a behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all
       members of a particular culture or of all human beings; "some
       form of religion seems to be a human universal"
    4: coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom
       of movement in all directions; "in motor vehicles a universal
       joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the
       vehicle passes over bumps" [syn: universal joint,

2. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Universal \U`ni*ver"sal\, n.
   1. The whole; the general system of the universe; the
      universe. [Obs.]
      [1913 Webster]

            Plato calleth God the cause and original, the nature
            and reason, of the universal.         --Sir W.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Logic)
      (a) A general abstract conception, so called from being
          universally applicable to, or predicable of, each
          individual or species contained under it.
      (b) A universal proposition. See Universal, a., 4.
          [1913 Webster]

3. The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Universal \U`ni*ver"sal\, a. [L. universalis: cf. F. universel,
   OF. also universal. See Universe.]
   1. Of or pertaining to the universe; extending to, including,
      or affecting, the whole number, quantity, or space;
      unlimited; general; all-reaching; all-pervading; as,
      universal ruin; universal good; universal benevolence or
      benefice. "Anointed universal King." --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

            The universal cause
            Acts not by partial, but by general laws. --Pope.
      [1913 Webster]

            This universal frame began.           --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: Universal and its derivatives are used in common
         discourse for general and its derivatives. See
         [1913 Webster]

   2. Constituting or considered as a whole; total; entire;
      whole; as, the universal world. --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

            At which the universal host up dent
            A shout that tore Hell's concave.     --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. (Mech.) Adapted or adaptable to all or to various uses,
      shapes, sizes, etc.; as, a universal milling machine.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. (Logic) Forming the whole of a genus; relatively unlimited
      in extension; affirmed or denied of the whole of a
      subject; as, a universal proposition; -- opposed to
      particular; e. g. (universal affirmative) All men are
      animals; (universal negative) No men are omniscient.
      [1913 Webster]

   Universal chuck (Mach.), a chuck, as for a lathe, having
      jaws which can be moved simultaneously so as to grasp
      objects of various sizes.

   Universal church, the whole church of God in the world; the
      catholic church. See the Note under Catholic, a., 1.

   Universal coupling. (Mach.) Same as Universal joint,

   Universal dial, a dial by which the hour may be found in
      any part of the world, or under any elevation of the pole.

   Universal instrument (Astron.), a species of altitude and
      azimuth instrument, the peculiarity of which is, that the
      object end of the telescope is placed at right angles to
      the eye end, with a prism of total reflection at the
      angle, and the eye end constitutes a portion of the
      horizontal axis of the instrument, having the eyepiece at
      the pivot and in the center of the altitude circle, so
      that the eye has convenient access to both at the same

   Universal joint (Mach.), a contrivance used for joining two
      shafts or parts of a machine endwise, so that the one may
      give rotary motion to the other when forming an angle with
      it, or may move freely in all directions with respect to
      the other, as by means of a cross connecting the forked
      ends of the two shafts (Fig. 1). Since this joint can not
      act when the angle of the shafts is less than 140[deg], a
      double joint of the same kind is sometimes used for giving
      rotary motion at angles less than 140[deg] (Fig. 2).

   Universal umbel (Bot.), a primary or general umbel; the
      first or largest set of rays in a compound umbel; --
      opposed to partial umbel. A universal involucre is not
      unfrequently placed at the foot of a universal umbel.
      [1913 Webster]

   Syn: General; all; whole; total. See General.
        [1913 Webster]

4. U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
Universal, IN -- U.S. town in Indiana
   Population (2000):    419
   Housing Units (2000): 207
   Land area (2000):     0.283589 sq. miles (0.734493 sq. km)
   Water area (2000):    0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km)
   Total area (2000):    0.283589 sq. miles (0.734493 sq. km)
   FIPS code:            77912
   Located within:       Indiana (IN), FIPS 18
   Location:             39.621636 N, 87.453043 W
   ZIP Codes (1990):    
   Note: some ZIP codes may be omitted esp. for suburbs.
    Universal, IN

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